Thursday, April 12
Plenary Day 3 Program Confirmed
The morning program of day 3 of ICNS 2018 will have a two-part plenary.
Use of Commercial Services/Outsourcing to Supply
CNS Services – Pros and Cons
Moderator: Steve Bradford (FAA)
Michael Standar, SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU)
Stephen Van Trees, FAA
Werner Langhans, Austro Control
Rick Heinrich, Rockwell-Collins
Greg Saccone, Boeing
The FAA and other ANSPs are considering a future vision that will make greater use of service providers to support their CNS needs. This vision includes the transmission of safety service communications using more commercially available systems, which may or may not operate in protected spectrum. This plenary will discuss this new way of doing business with individuals who will debate both the pros and cons. You won’t want to miss what is sure to be a lively session.
Opportunities for CNS Providers to Enable UAS Integration
Moderators: Paul Bosman (EUROCONTROL) and Randy Willis (FAA)
Brandon Suarez, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI)
Ray Young, Northeast UAS Airspace Integration Research (NUAIR) Alliance
Mark Blanks, Virginia Tech Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership (MAAP)
Olivier Colaitis, Airbus
Frank Matus, Thales Group
Unmanned aircraft, big and small, continue to catch a great deal of attention in air traffic management and far beyond. Innovative though mature CNS solutions are required to enable and accelerate the safe integration of these aircraft into the airspace. Moderated by U.S. and Europe, this session will show the latest state of play from a cross section of U.S. and European industry. Both latest developments as well as lessons learned will be presented and discussed.
Advance Registration
Online registration is now open.
Advance registration ends March 26.
Author Papers and Presentations
The paper upload deadline has passed.
Please upload your presentations by Friday, March 30.

ICNS 2018 Sponsors
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