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ICNS Conference

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[photo: Westin Washington Dulles Airport Hotel]
April 8-10, 2014
Westin Washington Dulles Airport Hotel
Herndon, VA


2014 Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance (ICNS) Conference

Upcoming Deadlines

  • February 1, 2014: Abstract Submissions Due
  • February 08, 2014: Notification of acceptance of papers/presentations
  • March 22, 2014: Final papers due
  • March 29, 2014: Final presentations due




ICNS Website | 2014 Call | Submit Abstract | Hotel

January 24, 2014

In This Issue

  • Plenary chairs for Day 1 and Day 2 confirmed
  • Hotel reservations now available
  • Abstract submissions due February 1

Plenary Chairs Announced

Tuesday, Day 1 Plenary Co-chairs

Steve BradfordSteve Bradford is Chief Scientist for Architecture and NextGen Development in the FAA’s NextGen Office. In this role he has participated in the development of the Joint Planning and Development Office’s (JPDO) NextGen Concept, the RTCA NAS Operational Concept and the ICAO ATMCP Global Concept. He is the Chairman of the Technical Review Board which monitors technical decisions related investments and the Enterprise Architecture. He also works with elements of the FAA and the JPDO to develop midterm plans and five year budget requests to implement NextGen. He has a leading role in several new activities with SESAR Joint Undertaking and has led several cooperative international efforts via action plans with EUROCONTROL. Previous activities include leading efforts to validate future concepts and developing the FAA’s NAS Enterprise Architecture.

Michael StandarMichael Standar is the Chief Strategies and External Relations at the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) based in Brussels, Belgium. He became Chief Air Traffic Management in July 2011 and was promoted to his current position in January 2012. He was an active Swedish member of ICAO Air Traffic Management Operational Concepts panel, ATMCP developing the ICAO Global ATM Operational Concept Document, which continued into the Air Traffic Management Requirements and Performance Panel (ATMRPP). In the early 1990s, he was offered a post at the Swedish CAA headquarters, later the LFV ANS Service provider. There, he was promoted first to Head units for ATM operational developments and operational support and later head of the business area of LFV´s ATM Support & Development before taking up duties as LFV Director for ANS Business Development.

Wednesday, Day 2, Plenary Chair

Jim WilliamsJim Williams is Program Executive, UAS Integration Office, at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). He was selected in March of 2012 to lead the newly formed Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration Office. The new office combines the formerly independent efforts of the Air Traffic Organization and the Aviation Safety Organization. He is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the FAA’s efforts to integrate UAS into the National Airspace System (NAS). This includes activities for rule making, standards, guidance material, industry coordination, interagency coordination, research and development, and planning to support UAS integration. Mr. Williams was the Director of Engineering Services from 2005 to 2012. In this position he was responsible for the National Airspace System (NAS) Enterprise Architecture, the interface standards and requirements for all NAS equipment, the Information Systems Security Architecture, and the NAS level Safety Architecture.

Make Hotel Reservations

Make your hotel reservations online for the Westin Washington Dulles Airport. Group rate available until April 3, 2014. Subject to availability.

Extension: Abstract Deadline Now February 1

Blocks and Builds – Air and Ground Convergence

Authors are invited to submit abstracts of no more than 750 words by February 1, 2014 on the key topical areas listed above or other relevant aeronautical CNS topics through the online ICNS Abstract Submission Form.