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January 26, 2016
This issue: Farid Zizi, Key Plenary Participant; Paper Acceptance Deadline 1/29
Farid Zizi, Key Participant in Day 1 Plenary
President of Air Navigation Commission in ICAO to Participate in ICNS Plenary Panel, "Global ATM/CNS Modernization and Harmonization"
Farid Zizi is the president of the Air Navigation Commission (ANC) in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Nominated by France in 2010 to the ICAO ANC, he has been, among other activities, in charge of coordinating ANC preparation and follow-up on the 12th Air Navigation Conference, which led to the last edition of the global air navigation plan (GANP).
Before arriving in Montreal, he was in charge of education and research at France’s ENAC (École Nationale de l’Aviation Civile), its national civil aviation training organization, for the whole civil aviation domain, managing around 1600 students and 6000 trainees per year. He was also involved in the SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) program and was chairman of the EUROCONTROL Advisory Group for air traffic management (ATM) training after having led ENAC development in ATM.
Before ENAC, he was in charge of operational and technical requirements and maintenance operations of ATM systems for French airports and area control centers (ACCs) at the operational direction of France’s air navigation service provider DSNA (Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne). He also worked as deputy director of Bordeaux ACC, in charge of European activities in ATM and the French-Italian coordination plan.
Acceptance Notification
Expect Notification by January 29
The deadline for abstract submission has passed, and thank you to all who submitted a paper. You will be notified by January 29, 2016, if your paper has been accepted.