Dear 12th ICNS attendees and supporters,
Thank you for your attendance at this year’s 12th Integrated Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance (ICNS) conference in Herndon, VA this year. It is your continued attendance support of this important and focused conference and others like it that keeps our international CNS/ATM family close. I was especially impressed with the international attendance, including but not limited to our Plenary Speakers and Technical Presenters. The ICNS Conference continues to be one of my best networking tools and gives me an annual opportunity to refresh my knowledge on the state-of-the-art in airborne CNS systems and the ground-based ATM systems that they integrate with. This year I had the opportunity to spend some quality time with many of my international counterparts, which gave me a better understanding of the global environment in which we all operate.
In order to continue this legacy of global cooperation, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you for the 13th Integrated Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance (ICNS) conference, which will again be held in Herndon, VA at the same venue on 23-24 April 2013. Our website will be updated as more details become available.
In closing I, would like to thank the Conference Committee, volunteers, invited Plenary Speakers, authors, presenters, sponsors, exhibitors, attendees, and of course, the hospitality of our team at the Westin Dulles Hotel for making the 12th ICNS a memorable experience and I look forward to seeing each of you next year.
Best Regards,
Tom Redling
ICNS 2012 Conference General Chair