Thank you for attending the 15th annual Integrated Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (ICNS) Conference.

There is growing consensus amongst transportation industry analysts that we are entering a new “golden era” of transportation. The signs are all round us: decreasing vehicles mile travelled (VMT), reductions in available seat miles per gross domestic product (ASMS/GDP), cap-n-trade, fees, noise restrictions, cyber-attacks, Zipcar, Uber, bike-share, and traffic flow management in all modes of transportation.
The previous golden era expanded transportation services. It was made possible by advances in technology that improved the performance capabilities of vehicles and infrastructure. This occurred in the presence of economic growth that provided unlimited financial and natural resources.
The new golden era is different. The shift is now to providing improved mobility in the presence of a slow (no) growth economy with constraints on financial and natural resources. The enabler this time around is creating and harnessing network effects.
The Integrated Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance (ICNS) System is at the heart of this paradigm shift to harnessing the network by migrating to information sharing, network centric models of operation (or should I say co-operation). No pressure, ICNS community, but our future rests squarely on your shoulders.
This year’s fantastic conference will again address topics of NextGen and Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) initiatives, unmanned air vehicles, climate change and cybersecurity.
Please mark your programs for the following excellent events:
- Plenary Session on Day 1 “Global Harmonization,” chaired by Steve Bradford, FAA, and Michael Standar, SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU)
- Plenary Session on Day 2 “UAS Integration into Civil Airspace,” chaired by Steve Van Trees, FAA and including Denis Koehl from SJU.
- Plenary Session on Day 3 “Data Communications,” chaired by Diana Liang, FAA, and Michael Standar, SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU)
- Workshop on Day 3 “Future SatCom as Enabler for CNS,” chaired by Aloke Roy with panelists from INMARSAT, IRIDIUM, ATMRIA and ESA.
This year’s technical sessions chaired by Michael Schnell (DLR) and Roy Oishi has reached new levels of participation and include new tracks on Aviation & Climate Change and Cybersecurity.
In the evenings we have a series of receptions and events provided by our exhibitors. Mike Harrison has again returned to ICNS and has prepared a delightful and thought-provoking presentation for Tuesday evening titled “Technology of Conflicts and Civil Aviation: A History of War Conflicts Benefiting Civil Aviation.”
Wednesday evening we will again be hosted to our annual entertainment event by our exhibitors, where visiting their booths during the breaks might well pay off for you!
I am glad you chose to join us this year at ICNS, and I invite you to take advantage of numerous opportunities to network with your colleagues during our morning breakfasts, breaks, lunches, and evening social events. Learn from the program; renew old acquaintances; make new connections.
Finally, a special thank you to the outstanding staff and volunteers that make the ICNS conference such an amazing event.
Lance Sherry
Conference General Chair, 2015 ICNS