Welcome to the 18th Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Systems (ICNS) Conference.

I am pleased to announce that distinguished Dr. Phillipe Merlo, Director of Air Traffic Management for EUROCONTROL, will present the conference keynote address. Dr. Merlo is responsible for the areas of air traffic management, research and development, including the respective relations to international bodies such as International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
The ICNS 2018 theme directs us to consider the external forces which shape our research and development. Plenary sessions and presentations recognize these impacts in changes in regulations, service models of ANSPs, economics, and disruptive technologies, to mention a few.
The plenary session on Tuesday, April 10, led by Mr. Steve Bradford (Federal Aviation Administration) and Mr. Michael Standar (SESAR Joint Undertaking) addresses “Global Harmonization” of CNS standards. Mr. Bradford presents the opening remarks and is joined by leaders from JCAB, ICAO, FAA, EUROCONTROL, Airbus, Boeing, and private industry.
Wednesday, April 11 has two morning programs. The plenary, led by Dr. Bernd Korn (DLR/Braunschweig), addresses the expectations of the end-user community of airlines and airports for technology, research, and development from the CNS community. Dr. Korn is joined by experts from MITRE, FAA, Airlines for America (A4A,) and Frankfurt Airport (Fraport). The second program is the interactive workshop, chaired by Dr. Lance Sherry (GMU), Ms. Denise Ponchak (NASA), and Beth Zimmerman (Evans, Inc.). The workshop addresses ‘”beyond line-of-sight” as a necessary condition for the use of UAS in civilian airspace. The workshop participants include members of Evans, Inc., Veracity Engineering, PAE ISR, and the FAA.
On Thursday, April 12, the first of two plenary sessions is led by Steve Bradford, and it addresses the issues of supplying CNS services from commercial sources. The moderators are joined by experts from SESAR, FAA, Austro Control, Rockwell Collins, and Boeing. The second plenary addresses the perennial issue of “UAS Integration Opportunities and Constraints for CNS.” Led by Paul Bosman and Randy Willis, it includes representatives of industry, research, and academe.
The ICNS management joins me in thanking you for your attendance. Enjoy and learn from the presentations and interactions with your colleagues. This year’s technical program contains nearly 100 authors and I would like to recognize the work of our track and session chairs. Please be sure to attend the exhibitor and sponsor reception on Tuesday evening and hear Mr. Roger Connor (Smithsonian Institution) present “Time and Navigation: The Untold Story of Getting from Here to There.”
My sincere thanks to the sponsors, exhibitors, chairs, ICNS Executive Committee, outstanding staff, and volunteers who make the ICNS conference a premier event for the aviation industry.
Benjamin Levy
Conference General Chair, 2018 ICNS