As general chairs of the 23rd Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (ICNS) Conference, we thank you for joining us for an exciting week to explore how cutting-edge CNS technologies improve operational efficiency in the national airspace (NAS) as well as around the globe.
ICNS started in 2001 as a NASA workshop in Cleveland, Ohio, during the onset of NextGen in the U.S., but it didn’t stop there. The ICNS Conference has expanded into a premier international ground systems and aviation conference focusing on CNS/ATM. In the spirit of safer, agile, intelligent, secure, and open airspace, the 2023 conference illustrates CNS, aided by artificial intelligence and automation, to be an enabler for the integration of advanced air mobility (AAM) into the managed air spaces.

To lead off these discussions, we are pleased to announce two keynote speakers: Mr. Paul Fontaine, acting assistant administrator for NextGen at the FAA; and Mr. Justin Taylor, vice president of AI Center at Lockheed Martin. On 18th April, Mr. Fontaine highlights FAA’s strategies “Beyond NextGen.” On 19th April, Mr. Taylor’s keynote will address “Artificial Intelligence for Aviation.”
Each morning, the conference offers plenaries and workshops featuring speakers from academia, industry, and the government. Each afternoon there are technical presentations selected for publication in IEEE Xplore. Networking opportunities abound during our breaks, meals, and evening events. On Tuesday evening, Dr. Missy Cummings, one of the first female fighter pilots, will present a keynote address on “The Promise and Perils of AI and Autonomy in Aviation.” A fun-filled trivia madness will be hosted on Wednesday evening.
Please be sure to join us for dinner for both evening events!
In summary, ICNS 2023 provides an informative forum for thought leaders, policymakers, researchers, and other technical experts from government, industry, and academia around the world. Together they are able to address significant challenges of new entrants and new types of efficient operations, while ensuring the safety, and sustainability of air traffic management.
Many thanks go out to our generous sponsors and registrants for making this conference possible. Also, sincere thanks to the ICNS Executive Committee and the 2023 ICNS Conference Committee, all of whom are volunteers who worked many extra, long hours to make this year’s completely in-person event possible. We also thank our plenary chairs and workshop chairs, as well as our visionary CNS and air traffic management panelists and authors. Finally, we thank our keynote speakers on Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning. You can read more about them on the ICNS website and this program booklet.
Thomas Redling & Aloke Roy
ICNS 2023
Conference General Co-chairs