We are very happy to announce that the ICNS executive committee has chosen Chris Wargo as this year’s winner for the ICNS Champion Award.
This the third year that the ICNS conference is awarding the ICNS Champion Award. The ICNS Champion Award has been established with a primary goal to recognize individuals with significant contribution to CNS either as whole or in one or more of its components.

Chirs Wargo is no stranger to ICNS. He has been one of the participants of the NASA workshop on ICNS technologies for Advanced Future Air Transportation Systems organised in May 2001, which effectively was the first ICNS conference.
In that event, he has chaired a session on the “Perspectives on Far Term Research Needs,” and delivered a presentation addressing the “Key Issues for the 2020+ Integrated CNS Architecture.”
Without knowing at that time, he has been building the basis for getting this award today.
The ICNS records show that he has been attending every single ICNS conference, presenting papers and serving numerous times as session chair. In the last two years, he has been the ICNS UAS track co-chair.
Chris Wargo has over 30 years of experience developing and implementing telecommunication and information systems for the commercial and government sectors, with a specialty in the CNS systems associated with aviation mobile platforms.
His experience includes 20 years engineering of large-scale hardware and software programs for applications in NAS, airlines systems development and operations, as well as, ten years in the military C3I project.
Chris is a program manager and director of business development for Mosaic ATM. He is leading Mosaic ATM’s Autonomous Systems Group and the company activities for UAS in the NAS integration.
Before Mosaic, Chris has held various positions in many companies, including president of Computer Network & Software, Inc., vice president and general manager for ARINC, Inc., and other companies having started his career as a systems engineer.
Early in his career, Chris became a leading figure in aviation next generation systems engineering. He has participated in numerous ICAO, RTCA, AEEC, IEEE and IATA committees and standards working groups. In RTCA, Chris has served as a chair of the System Engineering Working Group of RTCA SC-203 and led the development of the RTCA UAS MASPS (DO-344).
Chris has presented many papers and chaired numerous industry conference sessions related to CNS and network system programs, project and technologies of the general, business and air transport community.
Chris is an active member of the AIAA Digital Avionics Technical Committee leading the Technology and Standards Subgroup.
Chris has a BSEE from the University of Wisconsin and a Master of Science in systems engineering from the University of Southern California. He has attended the Defense Systems Management College and the Advanced Management Program at the Harvard Business School.
The ICNS Executive Committee is congratulating Chris on his achievements and on receiving the 2019 ICNS Champion Award.