Nominations for the ICNS Champion Award are invited by all interested parties and can be done by filling out the form below. A copy of the nomination will be emailed to both the nominator and the ICNS awards chair. All fields are required.
The ICNS Champion Award recognizes specific individual(s) with significant contribution to the CNS field (scientific/policy contributions), and in addition, if possible support of the ICNS Conference (organization/success).
- Nominees must be a person, or a team, but not an organization.
- Teams of individuals are also eligible, if justified (i.e., working together as a team).
- Multiple year wins for a previous winner could be allowed with DATC approval.
- Self-nominations are not permissible.
- A nomination remains active for 2 annual ICNS cycles (refresh permitted).
- Current members of the IEC or the current year’s (from opening of nominations through award) ICNS Committee are not eligible for award.
- Nominees not legally acceptable to the U.S. are not eligible.
The nomination deadline period has closed. Thank you for your submissions.
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