ICNS 2021 General Conference Chair
Welcome to the 21st ICNS Conference. Thank you for taking the time to join us this year in our largest assembly ever of Integrated Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance (ICNS) thought leaders, policymakers, researchers, and air traffic management systems professionals. This year’s ICNS 2021 conference delivery platform enables you to view both the plenary and paper presentations for up to two (2) weeks after the conference ends! You’ll be able to revisit the conference presentations at your convenience if you have to miss any of the live activities.
We also have new networking and new breakout room features that enable you to meet, participate with, and reconnect with ICNS friends and experts from around the globe (from at least 66 countries this year)! The schedule includes special sessions at the start and end of the day for meeting others, expanding your professional network, and reconnecting with each other.
Explore all of the participant platform options in the column of icons on the left side of the conference platform’s home page to get the most out of the conference—and ask for support if needed. Help is available!
I encourage you to jump into the chat rooms before and after the presentation sessions. Meet and share ideas with as many others as you can—it is what makes our ICNS community so important and vibrant. Also, be sure to visit with our conference sponsors before, during, and after the conference. Sponsor presentations are scheduled throughout the day and clicking on a sponsor’s logo will link you to their websites for private discussions regarding your ICNS questions and needs.
Thanks again to all of you for participating in ICNS 2021! Special thanks to our generous conference sponsors who enabled ICNS 2021 to be free this year, the ICNS Executive Committee and the many volunteers who worked long hours to make this year’s event possible, and to all the plenary leaders, panelists, and authors who are sharing their updates and insights with us! Your participation and virtual interactions are more influential and important for the future of ICNS-based ATM than you imagine!