ICNS 2022 Conference General Chair
Welcome to Our 22nd Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Systems (ICNS) Conference.
Thanks so much for joining us.
ICNS started in 2001 as a NASA workshop in Cleveland, Ohio during the onset of NextGen in the U.S., but it didn’t stop there. The ICNS Conference has grown into a premier international aviation conference on communications, navigation, and surveillance (CNS) and air traffic management (ATM). It provides a forum for thought leaders, policymakers, researchers, and other technical experts from government, industry, and academia around the world to address significant challenges of new entrants and new types of operations, while ensuring the safety, sustainability, and efficiency of air traffic management. We bring people together, we keep the community informed, and we recognize the best.
2020 marked a 20-year anniversary milestone in the history of ICNS. Due to COVID-19, both 2020 and 2021 conferences were held virtually. However, nothing can replace the in-person connection! We are excited about being able to hold the 2022 conference in person, together with a virtual platform to accommodate participants who cannot attend in-person. The conference theme this year is “CNS for Autonomous Operations: Policy, Verification, Validation and Certification.”
This conference offers plenaries, technical presentations, awards, and many networking opportunities to address critical issues and grow the knowledge base. Visionary leaders from EUROCAE, FAA, NASA and UT-Austin will give four keynotes on standards, research, certification, and mobility for new entrants. Prof. Clarke will give an inspirational talk to engage students and young professionals. The five plenaries include topics on global harmonization, spectrum, advanced air mobility, advanced CNS-technologies, and trajectory-based operations (TBO). Reflecting the call for global interoperability and harmonization and the objective to expand the ICNS community, the TBO panel represents a pioneering session with a majority of the panelists from the Asian Pacific region. Our workshop is on “Remote ID Rule for Drones,” while our technical program has more than 75 outstanding technical papers/presentations, grouped under six tracks.
Many thanks to our generous sponsors who have enabled us to provide complementary registration for to all our plenary sessions again this year. Sincere thanks to the ICNS Executive Planning Committee and all the volunteers who worked many extra, long hours to make this year’s hybrid event possible, and to all the plenary chairs, panelists, and authors who will share their insights and updates with us!
Enjoy the conference! Again, thank you so much for participating in ICNS 2022!